💥Daily Word Bytes - 1  from editorial - Singapore sling: When Trump meets Kim Jong-un ðŸ’¥

sling (noun) – support. (Singapore sling is a cocktail made from gin).
Hindu Editorial usage : Singapore sling: When Trump meets Kim Jong-un

loom (verb) – emerge, appear, overlie.
Hindu Editorial usage : Donald Trump’s Iran decision will loomover his meeting with Kim Jong-un

in isolation (phrase) – separately.
Hindu Editorial usage : President Donald Trump’s summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong-un in Singapore on June 12 cannot be viewed in isolation from the unilateral American decision to withdraw from the nuclear pact with Iran

unilateral (adjective) – relating to a method of taking decisions (on international relations) by a 
state (country) individually without considering other states (countries).
Hindu Editorial usage : President Donald Trump’s summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong-un in Singapore on June 12 cannot be viewed in isolation from the unilateral American decision to withdraw from the nuclear pact with Iran

undermine (verb) – weaken, diminish, subvert/reduce.
Hindu Editorial usage : While the decision could undermine confidence in his word, he is also visibly trying hard to amp up pre-summit goodwill

amp up (verb) – energize, stimulate, to increase the power or force of (something), to make something stronger.
Hindu Editorial usage : While the decision could undermine confidence in his word, he is also visibly trying hard to amp up pre-summit goodwill

effusively (adverb) – in an unrestrained or heartfelt/enthusiastic manner.
Hindu Editorial usage : He has, for instance, effusively greeted the North Korean decision announced over the weekend to destroy its nuclear testing zone

sceptic (noun) – cynic, doubter/questioner, pessimist.
Hindu Editorial usage :  though sceptics argue that the site is unusable anyway and that it is premature to hail the North’s decision.

hail (verb) – acclaim, praise/applaud, commend.
Hindu Editorial usage :  though sceptics argue that the site is unusable anyway and that it is premature to hail the North’s decision.

intercontinental (adjective) – travelling between continents.
Hindu Editorial usage : Pyongyang’s series of nuclear and intercontinental missile tests were met with an increasingly stringent international sanctions regime and extremely stern diplomacy. 

stringent (adjective) – strict/stern , severe, tough/rigorous.
Hindu Editorial usage : Pyongyang’s series of nuclear and intercontinental missile tests were met with an increasingly stringent international sanctions regime and extremely stern diplomacy. 

sanctions (noun) – action taken, or an order given to force a country to obey international laws by limiting or stopping trade with that country, by not allowing economic aid for that country, etc
Hindu Editorial usage : Pyongyang’s series of nuclear and intercontinental missile tests were met with an increasingly stringent international sanctions regime and extremely stern diplomacy. 

thaw (noun) – an increase in friendliness/cordiality.
Hindu Editorial usage : The recent thaw in relations between Pyongyang and Washington has been aided by attempts by both North and South Korea to restore normalcy on the divided peninsula

normalcy (noun) – a normal condition; normality, business as usual, routine, regularity.
Hindu Editorial usage : The recent thaw in relations between Pyongyang and Washington has been aided by attempts by both North and South Korea to restore normalcy on the divided peninsula

freeze (noun) – suspension, hold.
Hindu Editorial usage : Whether Mr. Kim will agree to a freeze on the North’s nuclear programme is, however, still in the realm of speculation.

realm (noun) – area, field, domain (of activity).
Hindu Editorial usage : Whether Mr. Kim will agree to a freeze on the North’s nuclear programme is, however, still in the realm of speculation.

unprecdented (adjective) – not done or experienced before.
Hindu Editorial usage : Mr. Trump has seized the opportunity afforded by the summit, an unprecedented feat for any U.S. leader, to project himself as the archetypal peacemaker

feat (noun) – action, exercise/effort, master stroke.
Hindu Editorial usage : Mr. Trump has seized the opportunity afforded by the summit, an unprecedented feat for any U.S. leader, to project himself as the archetypal peacemaker

archetypal (adjective) – classic, model, exemplary.
Hindu Editorial usage : Mr. Trump has seized the opportunity afforded by the summit, an unprecedented feat for any U.S. leader, to project himself as the archetypal peacemaker

glaring (adjective) – obvious, blatant, flagrant.
Hindu Editorial usage : But the summit cannot escape a fundamental and glaring contradiction. From the standpoint of global nuclear non-proliferation

standpoint (noun) – view/opinion, position, way of thinking.
Hindu Editorial usage : But the summit cannot escape a fundamental and glaring contradiction. From the standpoint of global nuclear non-proliferation

non-proliferation (noun) – the action of stopping something (particularly of nuclear weapons by the countries).
Hindu Editorial usage : But the summit cannot escape a fundamental and glaring contradiction. From the standpoint of global nuclear non-proliferation

reconcile (verb) – adjust, balance, attune.
Hindu Editorial usage :  it is hard to reconcile Washington’s desire to broker peace with Pyongyang with its abrogation of the multilateral pact with Tehran

broker (verb) – arrange, organize, negotiate (an agreement).
Hindu Editorial usage :  it is hard to reconcile Washington’s desire to broker peace with Pyongyang with its abrogation of the multilateral pact with Tehran

abrogation (noun) – abolition, repeal, cancellation (of an agreement).
Hindu Editorial usage :  it is hard to reconcile Washington’s desire to broker peace with Pyongyang with its abrogation of the multilateral pact with Tehran

turn the tables (phrase) – reverse a disadvantaged situation/position to gain advantage.
Hindu Editorial usage : Mr. Trump could well view the summit as a chance of a lifetime to turn the tables on a festering issue and earn his legacy.

fester (adjective) – septic, relating to a problem which is becoming worse or more intense due to long time negligence.
Hindu Editorial usage : Mr. Trump could well view the summit as a chance of a lifetime to turn the tables on a festering issue and earn his legacy.

deftness (noun) – skill, ability/mastery, expertness.
Hindu Editorial usage : But the deal-maker in him may find the diplomatic deftness required of the task difficult to marshal, given the hawkish defence and foreign policy team around him

marshal (verb) – guide, conduct, lead/steer.
Hindu Editorial usage : But the deal-maker in him may find the diplomatic deftness required of the task difficult to marshal, given the hawkish defence and foreign policy team around him

hawkish (adjective) – aggressive, combative, belligerent. Dovish  means peaceful, diplomatic, accommodating.
Hindu Editorial usage : But the deal-maker in him may find the diplomatic deftness required of the task difficult to marshal, given the hawkish defence and foreign policy team around him

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