Daily Current Affairs including Notes - 28 April
‘FARMERS MUST BE GIVEN OPTIONS TO CHECK STUBBLE BURNING’ (ENVIRONMENT) Expressing concern over the environmental hazards caused by the practice of stubble burning, Punjab Governor V.P. Singh Badnore said it is important that farmers are given the option to adopt alternative practices to ensure proper disposal of paddy residue instead of resorting to stubble burning. Stubble burning was not only damaging the health of people but its harmful effects are also causing loss of organic components in soil. But in the absence of an economically viable alternative attempts to control the practice fails to bear fruit. In this context there’s need for formulating a comprehensive strategy, including generating mass awareness among farmers, and providing available technologies at affordable prices to check the practice. 👉What is stubble burning? Stubble burning refers to the use of a controlled fire to clear the crop residue that remains in the paddock after harvest and c...