Look for Proof - Policy making in health arena is complex process
Here, research that guides the process of policymaking is one of many contributing factors, the others being political aspects, interests of key stakeholders, feasibility of the policy, alignment with other policies, and consonance with the larger vision of the government. It is vital that India’s health policies are based on the best available evidence-based research. Capping stent prices For example, a lot has been written on how the National Pharmaceutical Pricing Authority’s (NPPA) decision, taken a year ago, to cap prices of advanced medical equipment, was a recipe for a public health crisis. There is now consensus that price regulation in an otherwise free-functioning market would eventually create inefficiencies. However, effects are often diffused and take time to surface.This makes finding evidence of the impact of such policies ex-post necessary, thereby providing guidance to policymakers to tweak and refine their policy goals and strategies. In the example abo...