Quest ๐ for Innovation
A large, nationally representative study of diabetes in India has found that more than 10% of Indians living in urban areas are affected with the disorder. However, the more worrisome fact is that half the population living with diabetes has absolutely no knowledge of it. This is intriguing when we consider the several innovations in health care taking place around the world. At present, American biopharmaceutical researchers are developing over 170 types of medication for Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes and related disorders such as diabetic neuropathy and chronic kidney disease. Therefore, there is a relentless global drive to invent fresh, life-saving and life-improving treatments to counter diabetes, apart from paying close attention to the attendant costs. These advancements are not only changing the way researchers and doctors are approaching diabetes treatment but are also having an enormous potential impact to helping people live longer and healthier lives. However, our government...