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💥Daily Word Bytes - 2  from editorial - After the Castros💥

    cue (noun) – sign, indication, signal.
    Hindu Editorial usage : Havana-watchers will look for cues of change or continuity in a country that once symbolised global anti-imperialist revolution

    anti-imperialist (adjective) – relating to opposing imperialism. imperialism (noun) – an action that involves a country (usually an empire or a kingdom) extending its power by the acquisition of territories.
    Hindu Editorial usage : Havana-watchers will look for cues of change or continuity in a country that once symbolised global anti-imperialist revolution

    upsurge (noun) – sudden increase or rise.
    Hindu Editorial usage : With Latin America’s socialist upsurge of the last decade in retreat and Cuba’s economy in anything but robust health

    retreat (noun) – withdrawal, draw back, flee/take flight.
    Hindu Editorial usage : With Latin America’s socialist upsurge of the last decade in retreat and Cuba’s economy in anything but robust health

    apparatchik (noun) – an official, member (of a large political organisation, particularly of a Communist Party).
    Hindu Editorial usage :  the answers should be evident. Mr. Díaz-Canel is a veteran Communist Party apparatchik

    stamp (verb) – identify, characterize/brand, distinguish.
    Hindu Editorial usage :  handpicked by Mr. Castro, to stamp his authority over a rigid bureaucratic and party apparatus.

    bureaucratic (adjective) – institutional, procedural, established.
    Hindu Editorial usage :  handpicked by Mr. Castro, to stamp his authority over a rigid bureaucratic and party apparatus.

    apparatus (noun) – structure, system/framework, organization.
    Hindu Editorial usage :  handpicked by Mr. Castro, to stamp his authority over a rigid bureaucratic and party apparatus.

    count on (phrasal verb) – rely on, depend on, trust/ believe in.
    Hindu Editorial usage : But Mr. Díaz-Canel can count on Mr. Castro’s political backing as the latter is expected to continue as head of the party and the armed forces for some more years. 

    sustain (verb) – support, strengthen, prop/bolster up.
    Hindu Editorial usage : Sustaining Cuba’s education and health-care services will be a formidable challenge for the President.

    formidable (adjective) – ambitious, challenging, demanding.
    Hindu Editorial usage : Sustaining Cuba’s education and health-care services will be a formidable challenge for the President.

    handsome (adjective) – substantial, considerable, sizeable/large.
    Hindu Editorial usage : In the absence of the handsome bailouts of the Venezuelan oil boom time or the Soviet-era subsidies, the government should prioritise attention to these basic services

    bailout (noun) – an act of providing financial help/support by the outside investors to a 
    bank/institution which faces serious financial difficulty. bail-in (noun) – a way of helping a bank or other institution in financial difficulty, in which people/creditors of the bank to bear some of the burden by cancelling a part of the debt they are owed.
    Hindu Editorial usage : In the absence of the handsome bailouts of the Venezuelan oil boom time or the Soviet-era subsidies, the government should prioritise attention to these basic services

    guerrilla (noun) – a small group of irregular fighters fighting against a large, traditional military.
    Hindu Editorial usage : Mr. Díaz-Canel is the country’s first high-ranking politician to be elevated from among those outside the young guerrillas who fought in the Cuban revolution. 

    pragmatic (adjective) – empirical, realistic/actual, practical.
    Hindu Editorial usage :  It may therefore be reasonable to expect a more pragmatic stance on Havana’s part towards its ideological opponents,

    notwithstanding (preposition) – in spite of, despite, regardless of.
    Hindu Editorial usage : notwithstanding the pre-eminence of the Communist Party 

    pre-eminence (noun) – superiority, supremacy, prestige/stature.
    Hindu Editorial usage : notwithstanding the pre-eminence of the Communist Party 

    detente (noun) – restoration of harmony, agreement, compromise/understanding.
    Hindu Editorial usage : even if the détente between the U.S. and Cuba that began during Barack Obama’s presidency has been in something of a limbo under Donald Trump

    limbo (noun) – an uncertain period, in a state of uncertainty, neglected/abandoned condition.
    Hindu Editorial usage : even if the détente between the U.S. and Cuba that began during Barack Obama’s presidency has been in something of a limbo under Donald Trump

    inevitably (adverb) – naturally, automatically, certainly/definitely.
    Hindu Editorial usage : The spotlight in recent days has inevitably shone on the transition after the long Castro legacy in Latin America. In this process

    ascent (noun) – a rise to a higher rank.
    Hindu Editorial usage : Mr. Díaz-Canel’s ascent bucks the regional trend where leaders routinely seek recourse to constitutional meddling to secure extensions of presidential tenures.

    buck (verb) – resist, oppose, contradict/defy.
    Hindu Editorial usage : Mr. Díaz-Canel’s ascent bucks the regional trend where leaders routinely seek recourse to constitutional meddling to secure extensions of presidential tenures.

    recourse to (verb) – resort to, make use of, utilize.
    Hindu Editorial usage : Mr. Díaz-Canel’s ascent bucks the regional trend where leaders routinely seek recourse to constitutional meddling to secure extensions of presidential tenures.

    meddling (noun) – interference, intrusion, intervention.
    Hindu Editorial usage : Mr. Díaz-Canel’s ascent bucks the regional trend where leaders routinely seek recourse to constitutional meddling to secure extensions of presidential tenures.

    tenure (noun) – occupancy, holding, occupation.
    Hindu Editorial usage : Mr. Díaz-Canel’s ascent bucks the regional trend where leaders routinely seek recourse to constitutional meddling to secure extensions of presidential tenures.

    succession (noun) – the line/sequence of inheriting a position. next in line, dynasty.
    Hindu Editorial usage : The succession plan was more or less scripted by Mr. Castro at the commencement of his second term in 2013

    cynical (adjective) – sceptical, doubtful, distrustful.
    Hindu Editorial usage : It would be cynical to dismiss the development as no more than a cosmetic change within the larger framework of Cuba’s one-party rule

    cosmetic (adjective) – superficial, outward, external.
    Hindu Editorial usage : It would be cynical to dismiss the development as no more than a cosmetic change within the larger framework of Cuba’s one-party rule

    populist (noun) – politicians who claim that they are representing the common/ordinary people.
    Hindu Editorial usage : But then, there are countries across the world where many populists and strongmen have tinkered with the constitution to extend their terms in office,

    tinker with (verb) – try to improve, play around with, try to mend.
    Hindu Editorial usage : But then, there are countries across the world where many populists and strongmen have tinkered with the constitution to extend their terms in office,

    charade (noun) – a ridiculous act/show, false display, farce.
    Hindu Editorial usage : reducing competitive party politics to a charade.

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