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💥Daily word bytes - 2  from editorial - Fifteen years after: on Iraq war 💥

👉hold (someone) to account (phrase) – to require a person to explain or to accept responsibility for his or her actions; to blame or punish someone for what has occurred.

Hindu Editorial usage : The architects of the Iraq war are yet to be held to account

👉invasion (noun) – attack, incursion, assailing.

Hindu Editorial usage : U.S.-led invasion of Iraq,

👉bring down (noun) – demolish, destroy, knock down (a statue).

Hindu Editorial usage :Square was brought down under the watch

👉reign (noun) – rule, incumbency, leadership.

Hindu Editorial usage : end of the Ba’ath party’s decades-long reign.

👉ghost of (noun) – trace, hint, faint appearance.

Hindu Editorial usage : the country is still fighting the ghosts of the destructive war.

👉downright (adverb) – completely, totally, undeniably.

Hindu Editorial usage :misleading intelligence information, if not downright lies

👉disband (verb) – break up, disperse, demobilize/dissolve.

Hindu Editorial usage :The U.S. first disbanded the Iraqi military, 

👉coherent (adjective) – logical, reasonable, rational.

Hindu Editorial usage : There was no coherent strategy to stabilise post-Saddam Iraq 

👉sectarian (adjective) – denoting a sect (a group of people); factional, partisan.

Hindu Editorial usage :to address the sectarian power struggle to fill the vacuum.

👉vacuum (noun) – empty space, void, nothingness.

Hindu Editorial usage :to address the sectarian power struggle to fill the vacuum.

👉apparatus (noun) – structure, system/framework, organization.

Hindu Editorial usage : destroying the state apparatus in Iraq, 

👉chaos (noun) – disorder, disruption, disarray.

Hindu Editorial usage :multi-religious country into utter chaos. 

👉fertile ground (adjective) – a condition which generates a lot of opportunities/results.

Hindu Editorial usage : found the fertile ground to build his 

👉get rid of (phrase) – remove, dismiss, expel/jettison.

Hindu Editorial usage :the war got rid of a ruthless dictator, 

👉ruthless (adjective) – merciless, cruel, unsympathetic.

Hindu Editorial usage :the war got rid of a ruthless dictator, 

👉fault line (noun) – a divisive issue, difference of opinion.

Hindu Editorial usage :deepening sectarian and ethnic fault lines.

👉unfold (verb) – happen, take place, occur.

Hindu Editorial usage : political tragedy that is still unfolding,

👉take to task (phrase) – criticize, admonish, censure

Hindu Editorial usage : architects of the war has been taken to task.

👉humanitarian catastrophe/tragedy (noun) – humanitarian disaster/crisis; it is defined as a singular event or a series of events that are threatening in terms of health, safety or well being of a community or large group of people. It may be an internal or external conflict and usually occurs throughout a large land area.

Hindu Editorial usage : one of the greatest humanitarian catastrophes of the century

👉grave (adjective) – serious, terrible, drastic.

Hindu Editorial usage :  grave failure of the international system.

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