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💥Daily Word Bytes - 1  from editorial - Best-Laid Plans - on Turkish Politics ðŸ’¥

    consolidate (verb) – strengthen, secure, reinforce/fortify.
    Hindu Editorial usage : President ErdoÄŸan attempts to consolidate power in Turkey with a snap election

    snap (adjective) – spontaneous, unarranged, unplanned.
    Hindu Editorial usage : President ErdoÄŸan attempts to consolidate power in Turkey with a snap election

    take someone by surprise (phrase) –  surprise, shock, stun.
    Hindu Editorial usage : Turkish President Recep Tayyip ErdoÄŸan did not take many by surprise last week when he called presidential and parliamentary elections in June,

    lurch (noun) – a sudden uncontrolled movement.
    Hindu Editorial usage : he has overseen the country’s steady lurch towards right-wing authoritarianism

    right-wing (adjective) – alt-right, conservative, rightist (section of a political system).
    Hindu Editorial usage : he has overseen the country’s steady lurch towards right-wing authoritarianism

    authoritarianism (noun) – autocracy, fascism, totalitarianism/draconianism. 
    Hindu Editorial usage : he has overseen the country’s steady lurch towards right-wing authoritarianism

    referendum (noun) – public vote; a direct vote in which people cast ballots to decide on a specific issue or policy 
    Hindu Editorial usage :  Last year he won a controversial referendum favouring an executive presidency

    pull off (phrasal verb) – achieve, succeed in, accomplish.
    Hindu Editorial usage : Mr. ErdoÄŸan had pulled off a slender victory in the plebiscite, though the exercise was held under a national emergency

    slender (adjective) – modest, slight, scant/little.
    Hindu Editorial usage : Mr. ErdoÄŸan had pulled off a slender victory in the plebiscite, though the exercise was held under a national emergency

    plebiscite (noun) – public vote, ballot, popular vote.
    Hindu Editorial usage : Mr. ErdoÄŸan had pulled off a slender victory in the plebiscite, though the exercise was held under a national emergency

    detention (noun) – custody, restraint, arrest.
    Hindu Editorial usage : several opposition leaders were in detention.

    sagging (adjective) – declining, becoming weak.
    Hindu Editorial usage : The outcome reinforced concerns about the sagging popularity of his Justice and Development Party (AKP).

    overheat (verb) –  to show noticeable inflation.
    Hindu Editorial usage : The risk of Turkey’s economy overheating, besides soaring inflation, would make Mr. ErdoÄŸan wary of leaving time for the opposition to consolidate.

    inflation (noun) – increase of price level of goods & services & vice versa decrease of currency value.
    Hindu Editorial usage : The risk of Turkey’s economy overheating, besides soaring inflation, would make Mr. ErdoÄŸan wary of leaving time for the opposition to consolidate.

    wary (noun) – cautious, careful, alert.
    Hindu Editorial usage : The risk of Turkey’s economy overheating, besides soaring inflation, would make Mr. ErdoÄŸan wary of leaving time for the opposition to consolidate.

    avert (verb) – prevent, stop, avoid.
    Hindu Editorial usage : For now, averting a run-off would be uppermost on his mind. Observers cite recent developments as a prelude to the elections.

    run-off (noun) – election again after a tie or inconclusive result.
    Hindu Editorial usage : For now, averting a run-off would be uppermost on his mind. Observers cite recent developments as a prelude to the elections.

    prelude (noun) – preliminary, preparation, overture/opening.
    Hindu Editorial usage : For now, averting a run-off would be uppermost on his mind. Observers cite recent developments as a prelude to the elections.

    hard line (noun) – uncompromising & strict attachment/commitment to a policy.
    Hindu Editorial usage : The latter’s hard line on the Kurdish question and opposition to the Western alliance

    notwithstanding (adverb) – nevertheless, nonetheless, in spite of that.
    Hindu Editorial usage :  notwithstanding Turkey’s membership of the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation and long-standing ambition to join the European Union 

    emblematic (adjective) – symbolic, representative, demonstrative.
    Hindu Editorial usage : The pact between the two parties is emblematic of Mr. ErdoÄŸan’s overall political shift to a hardline stance at home and in his foreign policy

    tap into (verb) – exploit, use/utilize, make use of.
    Hindu Editorial usage : Turkey’s offensive in January against a Kurdish enclave in north-west Syria tapped into a deep hostility at home against the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK),

    insurgency movement (noun) – rebellion, revolt, uprising.
    Hindu Editorial usage : an insurgency movement.

    militia (noun) – armed forces, military unit, soldiery (from the civil population to support main forces).
    Hindu Editorial usage : Conversely, the attack on Afrin drew strong condemnation from Ankara’s NATO allies, who count on Kurdish militias in their military campaign against the Islamic State. 

    shrunk (past participle of shrink) (verb) – lessen, reduce, decrease.
    Hindu Editorial usage : At home, democratic space in Turkey has severely shrunk since the imposition of a national emergency and the crackdown following an unsuccessful military coup in 2016

    imposition (noun) – implementation, execution, enforcement.
    Hindu Editorial usage : At home, democratic space in Turkey has severely shrunk since the imposition of a national emergency and the crackdown following an unsuccessful military coup in 2016

    crackdown (verb) – clampdown, getting tough/severe measures, suppression.
    Hindu Editorial usage : At home, democratic space in Turkey has severely shrunk since the imposition of a national emergency and the crackdown following an unsuccessful military coup in 2016

    coup (noun) – seizure of power, takeover, revolt.
    Hindu Editorial usage : At home, democratic space in Turkey has severely shrunk since the imposition of a national emergency and the crackdown following an unsuccessful military coup in 2016

    creeping (adjective) – (of a negative manner) occurring, developing gradually.
    Hindu Editorial usage : The routine labelling of protesters as terrorists and communists reflects a creeping intolerance against even normal expressions of dissent.

    intolerance (noun) – bigotry, narrow-mindedness; prejudice/discrimination.
    Hindu Editorial usage : The routine labelling of protesters as terrorists and communists reflects a creeping intolerance against even normal expressions of dissent.

    dissent (noun) – disagreement, lack of agreement, difference of opinion/argument.
    Hindu Editorial usage : The routine labelling of protesters as terrorists and communists reflects a creeping intolerance against even normal expressions of dissent.

    salvage (verb) – protect, preserve, conserve.
    Hindu Editorial usage : Even as he seeks to consolidate his hold on power, Mr. ErdoÄŸan can only salvage his reputation if he starts restoring civil liberties ahead of the election.

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