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💥Daily Word Bytes - 1  from editorial - Chasing The Monsoon ðŸ’¥

    water audit (noun) – a method of quantifying water flows and quality in simple or complex systems, with a view to reducing water usage and often saving money on otherwise unnecessary water use.

    Hindu Editorial usage :  The forecast has enhanced the economic outlook, but India must conduct a water audit
      bound to (adjective) – certain/sure, very likely, guaranteed.

      Hindu Editorial usage :  average of 89 cm, is bound to raise fresh expectations.
        look forward to (phrasal verb) – anticipate, wait for, expect.

        Hindu Editorial usage :  This is the third year in a row that they can look forward to a high output for a variety of crops, although fiscal realities have come in the way of realising higher farm incomes.
          Minimum Support Price (MSP) (noun) – it is a form of market intervention by the Government of India to insure agricultural producers against any sharp fall in farm prices.

          Hindu Editorial usage :  The Centre has been supportive of higher returns through the Minimum Support Price mechanism and additional bonuses have been announced by States such as Madhya Pradesh for procurement,
            procurement (noun) – the action of buying or purchasing something.

            Hindu Editorial usage :  The Centre has been supportive of higher returns through the Minimum Support Price mechanism and additional bonuses have been announced by States such as Madhya Pradesh for procurement,
              skew (noun) – distortion, misrepresentation, change.

              Hindu Editorial usage :  From a water management perspective, though, this trend has led to a skew towards these crops, which are heavily dependent on groundwater.
                unremunerative (adjective) – futile, unprofitable, worthless/valueless.

                Hindu Editorial usage :  Now that another year of good cropping is expected, and unremunerative prices will depress public sentiment,
                  depress (verb) – sadden, make unhappy, upset/discourage.

                  Hindu Editorial usage :  Now that another year of good cropping is expected, and unremunerative prices will depress public sentiment,
                    arrive at (phrasal verb) – achieve, attain, reach (a conclusion/decision).

                    Hindu Editorial usage :  it is vital for the Centre to arrive at a policy that gives constructive advice to farmers on the ideal cropping mix and help them get the cost-plus-50% margin that it has promised them
                      constructive (adjective) – positive, useful, helpful.

                      Hindu Editorial usage :  it is vital for the Centre to arrive at a policy that gives constructive advice to farmers on the ideal cropping mix and help them get the cost-plus-50% margin that it has promised them
                        fine-grained (adjective) – involving great attention to detail.

                        Hindu Editorial usage :  The IMD’s decision to provide a more fine-grained forecast on the monsoon’s progress, particularly in the central and northern regions, will meet a long-felt need and can potentially guide farmers better.
                          make the most of (phrase) – Use something to the best advantage.

                          Hindu Editorial usage :  The long-term challenge is to make the most of the rainfall that India gets, ranging from a few hundred millimetres or less in the northwest to more than a few thousand millimetres elsewhere. 
                            pursue (verb) – engage in, follow, conduct.

                            Hindu Editorial usage :  The Master Plan for Artificial Recharge to Ground Water drawn up by the Centre should be pursued scientifically,
                              artificial recharge (noun) – also known as aquifer re-injection, planned recharge; it is a process by which excess surface water is directed into the ground—either by spreading on the surface, by using recharge wells, or by altering natural conditions to increase infiltration—to replenish (fill up) an aquifer. (aquifer is an underground layer of water-bearing rock).

                              Hindu Editorial usage :  to help States with the most water-stressed blocks get adequate funds to build artificial recharge structures
                                water stress (noun) – water scarcity; the lack of sufficient available fresh water resources to meet water demand.

                                Hindu Editorial usage :  to help States with the most water-stressed blocks get adequate funds to build artificial recharge structures
                                  provision (noun) – supply, distribution, giving.

                                  Hindu Editorial usage :  Moreover, for those farmers who choose to continue with wheat and rice, transfer of expertise and provision of equipment that enables efficient utilisation of water is vital. 
                                    staggering (adjective) – astonishing, shocking, surprising.

                                    Hindu Editorial usage :  In the case of cotton, the figures present an even more staggering contrast
                                      inevitable (adjective) – unavoidable, sure to happen, unpreventable.

                                      Hindu Editorial usage :  Combined with distortions in procurement subsidies, water stress due to such use is inevitable
                                        barring (verb) – excluding, omitting, leaving out.

                                        Hindu Editorial usage :  There is an increase in daily average rainfall since 2002, barring some of the worst El Niño years, likely due to higher land temperatures and cooler oceans
                                          El Nino (noun) – abnormal warming (of the Equatorial East of the Pacific that lies closer to the Americas). La Niña means abnormal cooling.

                                          Hindu Editorial usage :  There is an increase in daily average rainfall since 2002, barring some of the worst El Niño years, likely due to higher land temperatures and cooler oceans
                                            drought (noun) – dry spell/period, lack of rain, shortage of water.

                                            Hindu Editorial usage :  What is well known is that a good monsoon raises agriculture’s contribution to GDP growth, while a drought year depresses it
                                              harvest (verb) – collect, gather, obtain (resources for future use).

                                              Hindu Editorial usage :   Clearly, governments need to invest consistently to harvest the monsoon, both on the surface and underground, with community participation.
                                                community participation (noun) – the involvement of people in a community in projects to solve their own problems.

                                                Hindu Editorial usage :   Clearly, governments need to invest consistently to harvest the monsoon, both on the surface and underground, with community participation.

                                                To Download this editorial in PDF version CLICK HERE


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