💥Daily Word Bytes - 1 from editorial - War for war: On U.S. strikes on Syria 💥
- escalate (verb) – intensify, heighten, make serious.
Hindu Editorial usage : With missile strikes, the United States has irresponsibly escalated the Syrian conflict.
- make good (phrase) – succeed, be successful, do well.
Hindu Editorial usage : By launching a missile attack on Syria, U.S. President Donald Trump has made good on his threat to use force if chemical weapons are used in the civil war-stricken country
- devastating (adjective)- shocking, traumatic, distressing
Hindu Editorial usage : he has also escalated the devastating, multi-sided conflict.
- cruise missile (noun) – it is a guided missile that flies with constant speed to deliver a warhead at specified target over long distance with high accuracy.
Hindu Editorial usage : U.S. fired 59 cruise missiles at an airbase of President Bashar al-Assad.
- join hands (phrase) – work together.
Hindu Editorial usage : the U.K. and France joined hands with the U.S. to punish Mr. Assad’s regime.
- airbase (noun) – a base/place used by a military force for the operation of military aircraft.
Hindu Editorial usage : U.S. fired 59 cruise missiles at an airbase of President Bashar al-Assad.
- gut (verb) – destroy, demolish, wipe out.
Hindu Editorial usage : Syria’s chemical weapons programme has been gutted
- undertake (verb) – begin, start, engage in.
Hindu Editorial usage : The U.S. undertook the strike before the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons
- ascertain (verb) – confirm, verify, discover/find out.
Hindu Editorial usage : investigation in Douma to ascertain if chemical weapons had in fact been used.
- watchdog (noun) – inspector, observer, ombudsman.
Hindu Editorial usage : It should have waited till the inter-governmental watchdog completed its investigation and then presented the case for action in the UN Security Council with requisite evidence
- requisite (adjective) – necessary, required, essential.
Hindu Editorial usage :It should have waited till the inter-governmental watchdog completed its investigation and then presented the case for action in the UN Security Council with requisite evidence
- flout (verb) – defy, disobey, ignore.
Hindu Editorial usage :By acting merely on the basis of inputs from their intelligence agencies, the U.S.-led alliance flouted international law.
- bravado (noun) – boldness, bold manner, bombast/daredevil.
Hindu Editorial usage : It is also doubtful if Mr. Trump’s “mission accomplished” bravado is justified
- provocation (noun) – prompting, inducement, incitement.
Hindu Editorial usage :The fact that a provocation was perceived for a second strike within a year suggests that the first one failed to deter the Assad regime.
- deter (verb) – stop, prevent, halt/obstruct.
Hindu Editorial usage : The fact that a provocation was perceived for a second strike within a year suggests that the first one failed to deter the Assad regime.
- drag into (verb) – involve in a matter unnecessarily.
Hindu Editorial usage : On the other hand, Mr. Trump has dragged the U.S. deeper into the Syrian civil war.
- confrontation (noun) – conflict, battle, face-off.
Hindu Editorial usage :Worryingly, every time the U.S. bombs Syria, the chances of a military confrontation in the country between the U.S. and Russia heightens,
- preside (over) (verb) – be in charge of, be responsible for, control, oversee.
Hindu Editorial usage : There is no dispute that Mr. Assad is presiding over a monstrous military machine that has used brute force against his own people.
- monstrous (adjective) – terrible, horrible, dreadful.
Hindu Editorial usage : There is no dispute that Mr. Assad is presiding over a monstrous military machine that has used brute force against his own people.
- brute (adjective) – physical/bodily, crude, violent.
Hindu Editorial usage : There is no dispute that Mr. Assad is presiding over a monstrous military machine that has used brute force against his own people.
- diplomacy (noun) – statesmanship; negotiations/discussions, international relations.
Hindu Editorial usage : The focus of the West needs to shift from unilateral military action to aggressive multilateral diplomacy to find an immediate end to violence and then a long-lasting political solution.
- mandate (noun) – order, directive, instruction.
Hindu Editorial usage : For that, the U.S. and Russia have to work together under a UN mandate.
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